Saturday, August 16, 2008

Meet the flock

So far I have introduced you to our goats, alpacas, swallows, cats and whatever else there was; so now you get to meet our chickens.

This is Chica, our araucana hen. She surprised us one day with, not a green egg, but a sky blue egg! Most araucanas lay eggs of varying shades of green; I had never heard of a blue egg. Now we won't have to dye our Easter eggs. :)

Next is what we call "The broody hen". She used to be one of our best layers but then one day she decided that she wanted to raise some chicks. She never did hatch any because we don't have any roosters. Now she just sits in the nestbox all puffed up and mad-looking.

My personal favorite chicken on the whole farm is Lucy. Lucy is an Olde English Game Hen; which is the smallest breed of chicken. Of course Lucy doesn't know she's tiny, She's top in pecking order and all the other hens are afraid of her. Earlier in the spring she went broody but since there wasn't any pint-sized rooster none of the eggs would hatch. So I stuck a regular sized egg that I knew would hatch (we had roosters at that time) under her. 28 days later Lucy had a little black Austrolorp/barred rock cross chick to care for. I named the chick Susan. Now Susan is almost 3 times Lucy's size but she still follows her around and they both sleep together still.

The black bird in the pic is Susan and The little bird is Lucy.

It would take me most all day to write about all of our chickens so I will stop here. :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucy and Susan! LOL One is sooo tiny and another sooo big, but they're feathered friends. LOL :D
