Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Freedom to Change

Well we are only about 6 weeks into the school year and already I am feeling like things just aren't clicking...I love the idea behind the Morning Time basket and we have enjoyed reading together but I also love hands on stuff. I usually always find myself gravitating towards unit Studies. In fact one of my favorite unit studies is Learning Adventures by Dorian Holt. I used this many, many years ago when our oldest set of kiddos were young. The ages for the main curriculum are 4th-8th grade but I did have a couple of younger ones tag along way back when. Now you can buy a supplement to it for younger kids to do along with the older ones. I did purchase that used this year but as I looked at it I decided to save it for when the kids are a little older. B#6 is plugging away using the main Learning Adventures curriculum and is enjoying her time in Ancient Egypt.

Sooo back to my original discontent with school thus far...I decided to look into My Father's World Adventures in U.S. History. I knew I was really ready to move beyond Ancient cultures and into some U.S. history. We have been talking a lot about U.S. history around here lately with some of my children attending a Project Appleseed event. Anyway, as I looked into My Father's World and read THIS blog I realized that in using MFW I could have a Charlotte Mason style curriculum, keep doing our Morning Time together and have some fun, hands on projects for the kids to do. I am looking forward to getting started and you know, having the freedom to change what we are doing to find something that excites us all is one of the great things about homeschooling.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

My Pick for a Laminator

I spent this morning working on some things to keep my Preschooler busy during school time with the older ones. Pinterest, of course, being one of the tools I used today but once I had some things printed out I got our one of my favorite laminator. I don't know why I love to laminate things but I could just go around the house laminating things if I thought I could get away with it. It seems that every time I read someone's blog about their recommendations for a laminator they always mention the Scotch brand laminator which uses certain size pouches depending on your project. I personally don't want to buy different pouches as I never know what size I might be laminating. A friend introduced me to the Zyron laminator many years ago. This laminator is such a basic machine and so very easy to use that my children all love to help me laminate things. There is no heat involved with it so I don't have to worry about anyone getting burned. The one pictured below is a newer version than what I have but it works the same. You can buy these new or used on Amazon for as low as $8.49. Even if you don't homeschool, having a laminator on hand can be so useful.

In case you have some young ones at home and would like some busy time activities below are some links to some ideas for you. If you have a laminator, have a fun time laminating them to make them last.
Of course there are tons of other freebies on Pinterest that you can print out and laminate for you kiddos. If you have older children in school maybe you want to laminate chore charts, school schedules, or enrichment activities for after school to help keep them off of screen time.