Friday, February 22, 2013

My Heart is Sad Today

My mommy heart is so sad today for my oldest daughter. Her cow, Maddie, died this morning. It is so very hard to watch your children as their hearts are breaking. She loves all her animals but especially Maddie. Who couldn't love a cow with beautiful, big eyes. Some might say, "You weren't attached to her, you didn't milk her or take care of her". And they would be right. But I am still so sad that she is gone. She was a sweet, precious animal. I suppose it has alot to do with the fact that I love my daughter so therefore I am heartbroken when she is heartbroken. But there is also that pregnant mommy side of me who thinks about this mommy cow who lost her calf and then her life and I am just sad. Pray for B#2, that she would know Jesus peace through this loss and the she would see HIS direction and leading in her life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was so sad when I heard. Praying for her.