Friday, February 8, 2013

A New Start

We started a new curriculum today. I know, I know, who starts a new curriculum in February??? I have just been feeling like we weren't doing quite enough. I am not one who thinks academics are the most important thing. I would much rather my children be strong in their faith and have good character than to have tons of academics. But neither would I have my children miss out on the fun of learning. So I set out to find a new curriculum in the middle of the school year. I read about Heart of Dakota from Joy at Artful Homemaking. So I set out to read all I could find about it. I read reviews and blogs of people using it. Then I showed it to DH to see what he thought. I so appreciated his answer of trust in my abilities to choose a curriculum that I felt would be good for the children.

Today was our first day and it was definitely more than they are used to doing, but I also felt that they needed more to keep them busy than what they had been doing. They would finish their school work in record time and if I didn't have any extra chores for them they would often start asking for a movie or to do some electronic device if it was too rainy to roller blade or ride bikes. We are starting with Creation in History and using Exploring Creation with Zoology by Jan Fulbright for our Science. We were learning today about animal classification. I am really looking forward to getting into the Science side of it since that is definitely an area that I have always been to lax about.

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