Sunday, November 7, 2010

My Time in History

Baby, toddler, older sister and I stayed home from church today due to colds in the little ones and as I was enjoying nursing and rocking the baby I got to thinking about things. I am so thankful that the Lord put me where I am in history....our woodstove is for heat, not for cooking. I don't have to wonder if it is the right temperature for baking or if it isn't burning enough or if it is burning too much. Our kitchen stove keeps pretty regular temperature so I can just throw something in there and forget about it for a while. My bosch mixer can knead my bread for lunch all by itself while I walk away to do something else. My potato soup for lunch today can simmer on low on my stove top while I go throw in a load of laundry that can wash all by itself while I go and sit and enjoy nursing my baby. The old ways are good and fun to experience sometimes for a short time but I am thankful to the Lord for the time in history that he put my in. I enjoy appliances that can make my day to day life easier. How about you? What are some of your favorite time-saving appliances?

1 comment:

Kristy Johnston-Rea said...

My fav. is the dishwasher and washing machine.