Friday, July 24, 2009

To God be the Glory

Don't ya just love the words to that hymn? "To God be the Glory, great things He has done. So loved He the world that He gave us His Son."

He does great things for us everyday that we don't even give Him credit for. Well today I am giving Him all the Praise and Glory...I got a phone call this morning that every wife fears...."hello, my name is so and so, I am calling to tell you that your husband has been in an accident." That was how my morning started out. I did get to speak to DH for a brief minute before he was taken to the medic but I didn't know much more than the fact that a tire piece had flown off of a tractor trailer and went through his windshield and busted the back window as well. When they brought him into the ER he was strapped to a backboard and his face was all cut up and bloody. But he is doing fine other than lots of cuts on his face which will heal and I am sure some soreness will present itself in the next hours. Several people who saw the truck afterwards said that he was lucky. If it had went through the windshield even a foot to the left it could have killed him or at least done a lot more damage. We praise God for DH's safety in this.

1 comment:

trlhkrs said...

May we always remember how precious our lives our, how short our time on this earth is, and always hold our loved ones near to our heart however near or far from us they may be.

Dear brother, I thank God that you are still with us. I love you!

Your big sis...