Monday, March 31, 2008

Meet "the boys"

I have several different boys in my life. Sometimes when I say the boys I am referring to dad, B#1 and B#5 soon to include baby B#7(by the way the B's means blessings as children are a blessing from the Lord). But the boys I want to introduce you to today are our alpacas...or as Auntie M calls them....lopacas(she's from San Diego:). My girls like to come to me first when they want a new animal and try it on for size. If I am not opposed, then I am given the task of presenting their scheme to Dad. I am not sure how that works out in the manipulation department. Anyway the girls decided they wanted alpacas and I honestly thought they were crazy, there was no way dad was going to go for this one, goats, yes, chickens, yes, maybe even a pony if they really begged but not alpacas. Well low and behold the girls found one for $1 down in Eugene and upon talking to the owners they decided each of the girls could buy one for $1. They would even deliver them. Now supposedly we can shear them and make all this money but I am still very skeptical about that, especially for a $3 investment. But at any rate they are very cute. So meet the boys, aka the pacas...Lancelot, Sundance, and Valentino.

1 comment:

trlhkrs said...

Hmmmm....I still feel that "lopacas" is easier to remember.

Auntie M