Monday, January 21, 2013

Weaning B#10

I haven't nursed B#10 during the day for quite a while but I have been unable to wean him from nursing at night. Some nights he would wake up as many as 5 times to nurse and honestly I don't think he was getting any milk. It has just become a well ingrained habit for him. Dad and I agreed that it was time to do something so a couple of nights ago we started weaning him. I am not one that can stand letting my babies cry it out, at least at night. We did do that for his nap times to get him to stop needing to nurse to sleep during the day but there is just something different about doing it at night, for me anyway. So I decided that a good compromise would be that everytime he wakes up either I or dad would go in and rock him back to sleep. Now that isn't as easy as it sounds since he was so accustomed to nursing back to sleep. He cries and pushes on me until he finally settles down. It doesn't usually take long, a couple of minutes or so of crying. But I feel like I can handle this crying because I am right there with him, holding him and rocking him. Maybe we are just starting a new bad habit but I felt like this was at least something that I could work towards and hopefully it will break his need to nurse.

We have done this for two nights now and it really hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. Last night he slept for 5 1/2 hours straight, which is a record for him. He hasn't nursed at all since Friday night so I am counting it as progress. I'll let you know how it goes.

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