Friday, October 3, 2008

Nothing in particular

Shame on me, I haven't been blogging as often as I should be.

Things have been busy way out here in the boonies Er, I meant to say Sheridan. :)
School has started, well actually it's been 'started' for about three weeks now but I've been so busy with it that I haven't had time to tell you (Sorry!). I'm in eleventh grade this year; HURRAY! one more year and then I will be done....done for good....done,done,done. Did I mention that I would be done? Math is as math usually is: not fun, boring, hard and's math! I am really enjoying my Language arts though. So that makes up for the math a little bit

Okay so you've probably noticed that I'm in a quirky mood today. :) Everybody's gone except me, B#3 and B#4. Everyone else went into town. I'm very much a homebody and prefer to stay here whenever I can. But... I got a little bored so I told myself that I would do some blogging.

For a couple weeks now I have been asking mom to let me change the blog look. She's contemplating it, which usually means that she's hoping I'll get tired of waiting and give up.
I need a change, or maybe I just want a change, I don't know yet. But I found a really nice new look. Do you think we should change? Or would that be too....changed?

Change of subject for now. :)
One thing I really, really have been wanting (yes this is a want not a need) to do is to start raising rabbits again. While we do still have three rabbits left it's just not the same as raising rabbits. I've been raising rabbits for five years now; before we sold our rabbits we had around 21 and we've had over 45 different rabbits over the years. When I stopped it just felt like something was missing in life. I just really miss seeing all my rabbits in the morning jumping up at their doors waiting for breakfast, getting them ready for shows, waiting for the does to kindle, going nuts over trying to figure out all those pedigrees etc. etc. I could start raising them again; mom's fine with it (at least, I'm pretty sure she is) But I'll have to wait a while until I have sufficient funds to start again. I sold all of my rabbit stuff so I now need cages, nestboxes, feed, and of course the rabbits! B#4 wants to start rabbits again as well but we are both looking at different breeds. I would looove to start raising English spot rabbits. They are pet, show, meat and pelt rabbits; they're medium sized, gentle and the kits grow fast.
B#4 is looking at raising Rhinelanders. They're a lot like the spots only a bit bigger. I tried to post pics of them but failed my mission. Maybe some other time.

Are you asleep yet?

You could always exit this site if my musings are boring you. Hee, hee.

Peaches is doing great. Of the late we girls have been riding her bareback with just a halter and lead rope. It's been really fun. Have you ever ridden bareback in the rain? Okay, go ahead and laugh, but that's what I did yesterday. It wasn't pouring or anything but I'm sure a more sensible person would have at least put a coat on (I forgot mine). :D

I can't think of anything else to write about right now so I shall end here.

Have you noticed how I can never, ever seem to write a short post? I just have to much to say I guess.

Okay I really am going this time. :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, make the change! LOL Change is always fun and interresting! My mom changed our blog and I think it's an improvement. LOL :D Check it out, Kaylee and I have done a NEW blog FINALLY. :D :D You know where it is. ;)

I can't seem to write a short blog either. LOL
