Thursday, April 28, 2011

My Birthday

I kept thinking I would post through out the month. I can't believe it is almost May now and I have only done one post. This month has flown by. I have been extremely exhausted of late and just haven't had the energy to post, please forgive me. After B#1's birthday comes mom's birthday. The girls always worry that daddy doesn't have any plans but he usually does just fine. This year was a good birthday. DH says that my birthdays keep getting more lucrative. Fun for me:). This year all I wanted was for my van to get a good washing and waxing. Sounds silly I know but if you haven't seen my van then you just can't appreciate why I had to ask for this as a birthday gift. I drive a big red 15 passenger van but of late it has turned more of a pink color instead of a lovely bright red. So in and of itself just washing something that big is a chore but then to wax it to its original bright red made it something I had to ask for as a birthday present. The kids and DH worked on it most of the morning of my birthday and it looks wonderful. I had hoped to post some pictures of it but it has rained here almost constantly since then so I haven't gotten any yet. My mom had sent me some of those little people stickers that you put on your back window and I really wanted to put them on but I didn't want to do it until the van was clean. So once it was all shiny and new looking B#4 went out and put them all on for me. They also gave me a digital photo frame and preordered the Duggar's new book for me so I will have another gift to look forward to in June or so. B#1 and a friend of his went in together and bought me an IPOD Shuffle so I can listen to my own music or sermons. I have been enjoying that quite a bit, like when the older children and dad are watching a movie that I don't want to watch. I can just plug it in, listen to some pleasant music while reading some of my favorite blogs. For dinner we had our first cookout of the year with some hotdogs, hamburgers and brats(for DH). It was a nice dinner and night with my family. I am very blessed to be the mom of these many mennes

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Dear Sister In-Law (DSIL), =)

So glad you had such a lovely birthday which you truly deserve!! Thanks for being such a good mommie to all our nieces and nephews and a good wife to my baby brother!

Love you!!!
