Okay all you math lovers, I got a doozy for ya'. We were talking with some of our friends on tuesday morning about our alpacas and one friend asked how much they ate, when I told them They couldn't believe it. They asked how much we were feeding them but things still didn't make sense. On our way home I pondered it and realized that there really is no possible way that this could work; yet it is. Here is where you come in.
There is an estimate of 8 cups of animal pellets per pound. We feed each of our alpacas a cup and a half of grain a day so that makes 4 1/2 cups a day. We buy 50 lbs. of feed. Now here's the interesting part; We go through 50 lbs. in about 4 months. I know, it doesn't make sense. Ever since we got the alpacas (which was in November)we have only bought two bags of feed. The first in November and then another in March.
I am in no way a math expert, I can barely do my algebra but what I came up with was: at 4 1/2 cups a day that would make a little over 1 pound every two days. Then, if my math is right I would divide two into fifty which gives me 25. So my answer should be that 50 lbs. of grain should only last us 25 days, not the 120 days that we are getting. Any answers?
The only solution that I can come up with is that the Lord is blessing us by stretching the feed. Some of you may raise an eyebrow to that but I have heard of many other interesting ways that the Lord has blessed people. I could give lots of other examples that have happened to us but that is not what I am blogging about.
I would love to hear your ideas on this. :)