Wednesday, May 1, 2013

We Could Be a Magic Eraser Commercial

 Little Miss B#9 is somewhat of an artist in our family. Whether that is a tattoo artist or a graffiti artist we aren't real sure...early in the day yesterday she came down stairs with purple permanent marker all over her hands and arms. Then in the afternoon she found a dry erase marker and apparently wasn't sure where the dry erase board ended and the wall began so this was what we all walked into the dining room to see...

Praise the Lord for Magic Erasers from Walmart. Cleaning it up took as little time for me as it took her to make the mess and I didn't have to paint the wall. What do you think? Could we pass for a Magic Eraser commercial?


Anonymous said...

Oh my! She is quite an artist hahahaha


Kristy Johnston-Rea said...

Gotta love the erasers! My boys love to come to my office and draw on my board. Congratulations on the next soon to be delivered baby! I really should get on here more often! If you are able to, will you e-mail me your address? We recently moved and I wanted to send you all a change of address card.
Thanks Kelly!