Monday, February 27, 2012

My teapot

Isn't she just a pretty teapot? DH bought this for me the other night. It was definitely not a necessity although my other teapot got broken so maybe I can count it as a necessity. Depends on who you ask... I did not grow up drinking hot tea, sweet iced tea was the main beverage in our southern home. After I got married I was a coffee drinker. I do still love coffee but not my husband's boring drip coffee. I love a good Hazelnut Mocha from the local coffee stand and have even started making something similar from home. But recently a friend introduced me to a hot cup of tea and now that is what I go for first thing in the morning. Heat the kettle up and make some Bromeley/Earl Grey tea. The boys usually ask for some too.
This is my favorite tea cup. It is from a Libery Blue set and has Paul Revere on it. You have to find these used or in antique stores since they were only made for a limited time. I bought one for B#3 for her birthday tea cup. Sometimes I browse craigslist to see if I can come across a whole set. Maybe someday...

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Enjoyed reading about your teapot. I don't have one and after having B#2 here and making us tea, I'm ready to find one. I think about you "tea drinkers" whenever I see tea balls or a nice box of tea. I'll also keep my eyes open for more of the tea cups and saucers. Me thinks it may be a find here on the east coast with the Paul Revere on it. Hugs to you all!!