I don't get alot of time to read so when I read something great I want to share it with others. Recently I was able to go to an "Above Rubies" ladies retreat. While there I purchased a devotional book for wives and mothers called "100 Days of Blessing", by Nancy Campbell.
There are so many good daily readings but my favorite one so far is Day 42 called " Don't waste Brain Space". I would love to write out the whole devotional here but that probably isn't legal or feasible but here are a few of my favorite parts:
Casting ALL your care upon Him for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
Many women spend most of their brain space worrying about this and that. What a waste! This space could be more profitably used to think positively. When we worry and think negatively, we do not help the situation.Worry makes the problem worse. Worry stifles creativity. You can't even see a way out of the problem when you worry. Worry strangles the effectiveness of God's Word in your life and makes you unproductive. Matthew 13:22 tells us that "the worries of this life" choke the Word and we become unfruitful.
God does not tell you to give some of your worries to Him. He tells you to give ALL your cares to Him. That means EVERY ONE. The big ones and the little ones.
If we spend all our brain space thinking about ourselves and insignificant things, we leave no room for God to bring to our mind the needs of others.
These are just a few passages of this days devotional and this one is just one of many wonderful daily devotions in this book. I would love to be able to purchase a boatload of these to hand out to all the wives and mothers I come in contact with.
If you are interested in this book or any others written by Mrs. Campbell, you can find them at www.aboverubies.org
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